Tulip Pearl: 2/14/04 - 5/18/16
It is with the heaviest heart that we announce the passing of our beloved shop-dog Tulip. She was a working dog at heart and began her time with us at the young age of 12 weeks. Adopted from Angell Memorial, she was a stellar example of just how wonderful pound puppies are and as a pit-bull mix, she clearly exhibited just how wrongly these dogs can be characterized. She was love--100%. She greeted, held back, read your body language, and in the end, the girl could work a room. She loved babies, but quickly learned what was most to love was their stroller and in particular, the undercarriage, where the detritus of snacking lies. She was no dummy. The warmer months were her favorite. Why? Well, your un-clothed legs and toes were deliciously salty and maybe, just maybe, you used a lotion that was particularly tasty. To all of our delivery men and letter carriers over the years, a huge thank you, from Tulip, for wearing shorts.
Ultimately, we were lucky. So very lucky to have her with us for twelve years. She was our 'love face girl in the world'. Her energy delighted, soothed and consoled many. If she ever teased you with her ball or bone, please know she liked you. Her uncle aptly labeled her 'imperious'. She was opinionated, bossy at times, and could throw a timely side-eye a mile long ( no kidding. it was rather amazing) Her chortle, loud snore, and 'woo, woo, woo'-ing communications were glorious, famous, and in essence, Tulip was a rockstar. There is no doubt.
We loved her deeply.